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Beverly Group carries out ad hoc quantitative and qualitative research on behalf of its clients in every District in EUROPE countries.
The type ad hoc qualitative research designed and carried out by Beverly Group includes:
● Market Share and Potential Business Interest Research
● Measurement of Brand Awareness and Evaluation of Purchasing Preference
● Analysis of Mass Media Effectiveness
● Consumer Behaviour Evaluation
● Competitor Benchmarking
The advantages that differentiate Beverly Group in carrying out expert quantitative research are the following:
a The extensive respondents database which is used for both field work as well as the preparation of samples
a The design of comparative large stratified samples to enable the best possible surveying of the market
a The expert planning of questionnaires and scientifically documented analysis of all research issues
a The ability to cover simultaneously large geographic areas in any country, such as for example over 50 districts throughout EUROPE, the entire territory of Italy
a The ability to select a research medium (door to door, telephone gallup - CATI -, P.O.P., e-mailing)
a The courtesy and professionalism of interviewers
Qualitative research gives us have a better understanding our clients, the needs of buyers/consumers by mapping market segments and outlining the consumer/reseller profile for each common goal. In addition, any qualitative research carried out by Beverly Group provides the means to ascertain the level of compatibility with operational and service standards provided by our clients’ retail networks. Other qualitative research categories include determining the possibility of cooperation with resellers/representatives/franchisees and documentation of the corporate climate as reflected in the human resources of any business establishment.
The tools used in qualitative research are:
● Personal interviews with representative end consumers (buyers or users)
● End consumers or user focus groups of any age or socio-economic group
● Personal interviews with resellers/representatives/storeowners
● Reseller/representative/storeowner focus groups
● Evaluation of store networks using the Mystery Auditing/Shopping methodology
● Evaluation of human resources sentiment or satisfaction
Often, personal interviews and focus groups are videotaped or recorded on behalf of clients with the interviewee’s consent.
Qualitative research are often used in combination with quantitative research and provide a wealth of material which is used in the complementary services provided by Beverly Group, such as planning a marketing strategy, the implementation of a communication strategy, media planning, training of human resources, the development of Retail Experience Manuals, training of distributors/associates/storeowners, personnel motivation schemes, and the reorganisation of internal operations procedures.
All qualitative research tools are utilized throughout every geographic area.
Marketing Strategy Planning [+/-]
The extensive academic support and practical experience of the staff members of Beverly Group in the scientific field of marketing contribute to the development of a global overview of the components of a marketing strategy for its clients. The tools used by Beverly Group to record and analyse market conditions and determine a marketing strategy for its clients:
● Analysis of the current situation
● Recording of market size and segmentation, and identification of potential growth opportunities
● Analysis of market research findings
● Determination of marketing strategy per brand/product mix/geographic area/distribution-sales
● Preparation of a marketing budget based on goals
● Development of a communication strategy
● Determination of sales and distribution strategies (representatives, company outlets, wholesale, franchise)
● Development of commercial strategy
● Determination of product strategy per market
Sales Department / Commercial Division Guidance [+/-]
Beverly Group plays a fundamental role in the reorganisation and guidance of Commercial Divisions, Sales Departments and Export Departments for more than 28 European businesses. The tools we use are:
1) Preparation of budgets for Commercial Divisions
2) Domestic market analysis
3) Setting of targets for Sales Departments
4) Recording of potential customer groups (“niches”) throughout the Balkans to expand the network of customers
5) Staffing of Sales Departments and Commercial Divisions
6) Development of staff evaluation and compensation plans
7) Participation in biweekly and monthly evaluation and planning meetings held by Commercial Divisions
8) Drafting of reporting and internal operation procedures for Sales Departments and Commercial Divisions
Communication Strategy [+/-]
Good knowledge of client needs and a global understanding of market conditions are basic pieces of the puzzle for the successful implementation of a communication strategy and its importance. The creative approach applied by Beverly Group ensures that the messages communicated will reach their target audiences in the most eloquent and original way, committing the purchasing behaviour of end consumers.
The management of client communication by Beverly Group is carried out in a holistic manner, since it is specialised in the evaluation of any communication tool, such as a) above-the-line media campaigns, b) below-the-line support activities to promote sales, c) public relations strategies, d) B-2-B communication, e) promotion in trade shows, f) product packaging identity and implementation of corporate identity, g) communication in trade shows, h) new media campaigns.
The power of an alternating image, when used with feeling, humour, astonishment, contraposition, originality, precision, realism, and exaggeration and in line with a well-defined communication strategy, is the strongest component in attracting the interest of target audiences. Beverly Group has one of the most complete teams of expert staff in every aspect of communication, with media planners, statistical analysts, marketers, copy writers, graphic artists, and production staff.
Media Advertising Campaigns
Media Planning
Printed Advertising Material
The ultimate purpose of planned media is to utilize advertising expenditure resources in the best possible way, through the intense use of the vehicles which will send the message or information to the target audiences as accurately as possible.
In the framework of informing its clients, Beverly Group provides the best possible planning of means, through the following tools:
● Data from consumers psychological measurement surveys such as RISC, TGI, and others.
● Information on competitor advertising expenditure by period
● Indirect advertisement plans
● Special combined offers
Development of the Retail Experience [+/-]
The Retail Experience is a combination of every component in a store or a chain of stores which create the stimuli, images, and experiences that the end consumer takes in. At present, the need to define a distinct model Retail Experience which will constitute a comparative differentiation advantage for a company active in retail is pressing. Due to the accumulated experience of the staff members of Beverly Group in terms of various skills (creative artists, marketers, trainers, architects, decorators, merchandisers), many high profile companies from the retail sector trust the synthetical ability of Beverly Group.
The Retail Experience includes the following tools:
● Analysis of foreign case studies/models from the same sector
● Analysis of current situation
● Mystery shopping/auditing surveys
● Development of Retail Experience Manuals and dissemination to store employees
● Architectural and ergonomic space survey
● Identification of End Consumers Emotional Motivation Controls
● Development of an architectural identity for stores
Direct Marketing & Sales Promotion [+/-]
The fragmentation of mass media and the development of an increasing number of multi-fragmented target audiences in every market call for the use of tools and means which add directness to communication with end consumers.
Beverly Group is experienced in the implementation of a broad range of direct marketing tools, which are used to the advantage of its clients. These tools are:
● Direct Mailing to end consumers with specific demographic, psychographic, or purchasing characteristics
● Direct Mailing to professionals decision-makers in the market (Β-2-Β)
● Call centers for specific target audiences in all large urban centres in the Balkans
● Direct Ε- Mailing to professional users and end consumers
The planning and organisation of an integrated plan of original promotional activities establishes channels for the collection of information and the motivation and commitment of target group consumer behaviours. Beverly Group has extensive experience in activities such:
● Distribution of printed matter throughout the country
● Distribution of coupons in central streets or shopping centres
● Food and wine tastings
● Encouragement of samplings/tests
Public Relations [+/-]
The services included in this specific field where Beverly Group is successfully involved are:
● Planning and Organisation of Corporate Events and Conferences
● Administration of presentations and training programmes
● Planning and implementation of media events
● Identification and liaison with sponsors
● Management of communication sponsors
● Design and production of promotional material (invitations, banners, stands)
● Editing of audiovisual material
● Preparation and dispatch of newsletters
● Integrated corporate communication
● Organisation of thematic cultural and art events (concerts, museums, exhibitions, festivals)
● Press Clippings & publicity management
Tourism Marketing [+/-]
A distinct field of services provided by Beverly Group is Tourism Marketing, given that tourism is the largest and most dynamic “heavy industry” in EUROPE. The broad ranges of services provided by Beverly Group in this sector include:
● Business planning for airlines, hotels, tourist resorts, catering, and restaurants
● Preparation of corporate budget
● Organisation/reorganisation and guidance of sales departments of tourist establishments
● Planning of new markets penetration programmes in EUROPE or abroad
● Development of model customer high added value experience and personnel training
● Customer service evaluations for tourist establishments using the mystery auditing methodology
● Creation of advertising printed and electronic presentation material
● Implementation of integrated advertising campaigns planning and administration
● Implementation integrated public relations and communication programmes with the media, credit cards, tour operators, travel agencies, companies, conference organisers, sports organisations, public utility organisations, environmental organisations, international organisations
● Administration of sponsorship plans and events
● Organisation of innovative presentations at tourist trade fairs and events
● Photo shoots – Advertisements – Printed advertising material - Invitations
Information sales@beverlygroup.it